Cheaters Episodes— (Is There a Lack of Men, Today?)


It is absolutely necessary to go public on live TV to find out if the person that you love is being unfaithful?

One of my closest associates said if your love is acting strangely then you should I turn act the same.

In other words, if your romantic partner is behaving suspiciously, you should behave suspiciously too. From the two like behaviors, the truth will present itself.



6 thoughts on “Cheaters Episodes— (Is There a Lack of Men, Today?)

  1. I just think grown people play too many games, I mean didn’t we play enough as children? Geez! Thus why I’ll be single for the rest of my life! Dating in these days is too much on the mental.

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    1. Historically and in many cultures, courtship and marriage of any family member was a family matter and called for family involvement. Social mix changes with technology gives way to a people disconnect /a distraction of confusion/ rather than a connect. People today are taking a pot shot at romantic relationships and marriages.☹️


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