COVID, True or False?

Then why all the underhandedness in the mix with corruption?

Doctor: Most Vaccinated People Will Die In Few Short Years

Posted Jul 18, 2021 9:34 AM MDT

Dr Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA vaccines are plugging up thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who took the ‘vaccine.’ Most will die in a few short years from heart failure.

The spike proteins injected, which are designed to be mass produced in the bodies of the vaccinated, are the cause of the clotting, which is having adverse effects on no fewer than 60 percent of people injected.

Doctor: Most Vaccinated People Will Die In Few Short Years

64 thoughts on “COVID, True or False?

  1. For most people, adverse events from the covid vaxxes are minor. For people who are immune-suppressed, immune-compromised, or otherwise immune deficient, adverse events can be serious–even fatal.

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  2. …and how many times we were told that the world is going to end soon…

    I am in permanent contact with a competent doctor (he is my relative) – this all is nonsense and causes people to panic (in reality those who are not taking the vaccination, not wearing the masks, bring far more dangers to other people). An animation made by scientists (from Finland and Germany) has proven that people without a mask for example can spread the virus more easily in a confined space through sneezing, coughing, and when speaking a bit louder due to the increased air blast (aerosols). Those people should learn to understand that when wearing a mask they protect others, they are of help for others (this is mutual help) – If they would have seen how people have suffered in an intensive care unit with severe breathing problems until an agonizing death – they would most certainly change their conspiracy opinion…

    Thank you very much, dear friend :)
    All the best

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you, my friend for your good thoughts and wishes :)
        May God bless us all with right understanding and a growing consciousness.
        Hugs and love, my friend :)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you, my dear friend :)
        A small correction, dear sister, I am a man. Didi is my nick and in India it means elder sister, but it is also used in Europe as a nick name for Dietrich, Dieter and so on. So do not worry, dear friend, this happens sometimes that people think that I am a woman because of my name Didi. However, first of all we are all human beings no matter what outer dress we wear (male or female).
        May also God bless you and yours, my friend :)
        Hugs and love

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely concur with Benn.

      Americaoncoffee, you are welcome to read my expansive post entitled “Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity“, which you can easily locate at the Home page of my blog.

      By the way, when you try to access my blog, please be informed that it will benefit from being viewed on a large screen of a desktop or laptop computer, since those lengthy multimedia posts and my blog could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately.

      The best and most dedicated amongst the likes of us are also inveterate teachers of everlasting, transcendental wisdom to save humans from themselves, their self-interests and their destructive ways. I often even have to coin new words to do so. The latest example is my neologism “Viral Falsity“, which you can see in my extensive and analytical post entitled “💬 Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠“. This post of mine has twelve major sections (plus a detailed annotated gallery) instantly accessible from a navigational menu.

      In this said post, I have attempted to unpack as much as I can the core issues and fundamental causes that have plagued many folks, whether or not they are victims or perpetrators.

      Wishing you and Benn a very Happy August soon!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Americaoncoffee,

        My said post has been significantly revamped and augmented with multipronged analyses. To give you a good sense of the intelectual terrains involved, please be informed that the purviews of the post include the following categories: Behavioural Science, Cognitive Science, Critical Thinking, Cultural Studies, Epistemology, Ethics, Evolutionary Biology, Facing the Noise & Music, History, Human Nature, Information Science, Journalism, Logic, Media Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Quotes, Science, Social Media and Social Science.

        It is rather pointless to leave a comment there that amounts to a sweeping statement that is not helping anyone.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      2. SoundEagle, I skimmed your post on a big screen and there was nothing relevant to what Dr. Charles Hoffe asserts.

        Why can’t SoundEagle quote himself to something relevant to what Dr. Charles Hoffe asserts?


        There is a reason and logic for Dr. Charles Hoffe’s assertions. That’s what brought me here. I would like to know more. I would like to credit or discredit Hoffe’s assertions.

        For now, we are still at America On Coffee’s, “Time will tell.”

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Dear Mike,

        Thank you for your reply. I do commend you for wanting to learn more and for being cautious. However, that you skimmed my expansive post and that you came to such conclusions in your previous comment can be highly problematic.

        I would strongly suggest inoculating yourself against misinformation with my extensive “Quotation and Information Checklist” in my said post, which also offers a great deal more than just what pertains to the pandemic and vaccination, and whhich you owe to yourself to peruse thoroughly.

        In any case, the following is included herewith:

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you for your clarification. We have a stand on the current pandemic and corruption. We certainly are cautious about choice and misinformation. The wisest decisions must be made so we share a lot of information that might be of help to many. Sorry for the uneasy comment and thank you again for your clarification. Have a wholesome weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Dear Americaoncoffee,

        Do share information; but don’t share misinformation, as doing so is highly irresponsible and can have dire consequences, as discussed in my said post. And too many people do not have the acumen and/or expertise to realize that they have been sharing and believing in misinformation.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      6. AmericaOnCoffee is in the USA and BC probably has a different impact if the virus, vaccine pros cons and types, mandates, officials pro and con and which vaccines are prominent. AOC’s audience is watchful of corruption. Discernment of information and liberty are our rights and we are sharing what we want to know and desire toinvestigate. Best regards.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Dear Americaoncoffee,

        Your citing that “[d]iscernment of information and liberty are [y]our rights and [you] are sharing what [you] want to know and desire toinvestigate [sic]” is largely vacuous if or when the end result is that you and/or others end up sharing and believing in misinformation, and continue to be lacking in the acumen and/or expertise mentioned earlier. And such acumen and/or expertise cannot be cultivated by just “sharing what [you] want to know and desire toinvestigate [sic]”. There is no escaping from the importance and necessity of reading and comprehending my said post fully.

        Yours sincerely,


      8. Dear Americaoncoffee,

        It is rather pointless to ask me such a question because whatever answer I should or could provide is still not going to inoculate you against your own biases and/or shortcomings that can derail your understanding of and response towards the answer or information, or for that matter, any answers or information pertaining to similar or even different (sets of) question(s). You are far better off equipping yourself with the acumen and/or expertise mentioned by perusing my said post.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      9. We are getting the feeling that you have some first-hand information about impending communist mandates on free speech and shared thoughts. 🤔🙏 May God help us and the enemies.


      10. Your post has some agreeable and disagreeable ideas. Between the two, there is still room for me, with my hunches, intuition and whatever God shows me. I always sniff out fake news, bribes or any other form of manipulations.

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      11. Your previous comment amply indicates to me and other decent experts on misinformation that your comprehension of my said post is highly limited and circumscribed. Moreover, your claim that you can “always sniff out fake news, bribes or any other form of manipulations” is so tall an order that it is definitely false and unachievable. Many folks that are truly far wiser and/or knowledgeable than you would be wary of making such a tall claim that reeks of hubris or conceit, whether intentional or otherwise. In addition, the very content and your comments on your blog as well as your comments on others’ blog, including mine, have given no indications at all that you are and have been always able to detect, and/or completely immune against, “fake news, bribes or any other form of manipulations”.

        Liked by 1 person

      12. I don’t know if I am totally ignorant or humble to God. I cannot imagine you having a real concern to care for me or any of us, blogging or otherwise. So what real concern would you have about our blogging, acceptance, interpretation or non acceptance of misinformation? Jack! That’s what I thought. I truly apologize if I or any of my colleagues have presented ourselves as overly tolerant but we do it for God. Know this, there is another side to midnight but we prefer to stay blessed and wish you God’s peace and blessings as well. 💗☀️⚡️


      13. Hi SoundEagle, you were probably attempting to discuss the counter intelligence tactic of disinformation. Could be. Unfortunately, the misinformation referred to in your share is, in my opinion, equivalent to an ongoing, unresolved ignorance of the pandemic. We are watching and in prayer about COVID. Thanks for sharing your links. Blessings.✝️


      14. My use of the word ‘Discernment’ was not cited in any way within my comment. I do not consider using my own judgement over yours or social media information as a lacking. If you knew me or any of us at AOC, you would most certainly recant of what your thoughts are about our stance. Everyone must think for him or herself.


      15. “When others cannot think or decide about realities and consequences,” it certainly does not help and can worsen the situation if you or I or anybody else were to introduce misinformation, whether purposefully or unwittingly.

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      16. Right. There is a lot of misinformation being circulated. AOC follows God’s guidance. If anyone wants to listen to what we have to share, let him listen, and decide, and If neither, the choice is his.


      17. Dear Mike,

        Here is another:

        Ultimately, it may not even matter whether Dr Charles Hoffe’s assertions are valid or defensible, and what links or how many more I include here with respect to vaccination, as long as the many outstanding issues that I highlighted, analyzed and discussed in great detail in my said post entitled “💬 Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠” are ignored, skimmed, dismissed and/or misunderstood.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      18. Unfortunately so, not the least due to their confirmation bias, cherry-picking of data and other cognitive biases, plus a whole hosts of other critical issues and factors affecting them in numerous ways, as meticulously revealed in my said post.

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      19. We believe that family and friends becoming ill from the vaccination types and our research is enough. We do exercise our rights and are not familiar with communism which forbids.

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      20. Dear Americaoncoffee,

        Yes, of course, you may exercise your rights by all means, but there is a great need to realize that your rights also do not guarantee, preclude and/or protect you or anybody (including your family and friends) from being misinformed and/or misguided, and as a result, making problematic judgements and decisions.

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person

      21. Misinformation was viral before COVID. Biblically I am sure that more information will circulate in the very near future. We are living in a very corrupt and uncertain time. I’m all the years of my life, if I can not analyze information, research, pray and decide for myself, I may as well become a bot or some other pawn of a person, science or technology.

        Liked by 1 person

      22. There is much more to misinformation than what you know.

        No one here has mentioned or claimed that “[you] can not analyze information, research, pray and decide for [your]self”. Rather, the issue is whether you have been doing so (un)problematically.

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      23. Profoundly presently so.And for every worldly interest and undertaking. Unproblematic? No matter the discernment or the choices that we make, right or wrong, give or take, God gives us his resolve and even though his resolve my not be to our best interest, it is still God’s resolve. We AOC are Christians and we know that God’s kingdom is coming. It is amazing how knowledgeable and proud man has become, thinking himself as God with the worldly, destructive, perishable toys that God has temporarily allowed him.


      24. Please kindly open your eyes to see how many Christians have been corrupt and take the name of God in vain in the USA and elsewhere. Like many other facets of human lives, religions also can be and have been abused and perverted for thousands of years.

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      25. That is not my business about where Christians have failed or will fail. I have a personal relationship with God through Christ and wish that bonding for every man. We pray for those whose eyes are closed and opened. We pray for the fallen and corrupt, for ourselves and those coming upon temptation.

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      1. No science isn’t my thing because science is not big and perfect enough to be our God. Few men knit but I am gods at using tools and building things.


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