Artificial Intelligence -AI


There was a time that people sat around and listened to one another in the share of their day, one another’s experiences, thoughts and storytelling.  Today men are being distracted by demons of worldly possessions and powers that cause division in self, amongst others and divisions in realities.

The more we are disconnected from God, self and one another, we are surely becoming architects of superficiality(ies), the dark Satanic manipulation of mind, distance, time and space .  The added horrors can be seen with the altering states and perceptions brought on by drugs which profoundly interplay into a more critical emergence of darkness in our world.

The allusiveness to this illusiveness is a fear-monger if  dance that can lead many into bondage, a submission for conveniences.  Now, how does AI play into it all?  AI is a mockery of God and what God has created. Man’s creations and desires for control and power are  moving man farther away from God and reality.  Aren’t we all in this?

Pinterest Ai


2 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence -AI

  1. I have told several bloggers that AI is unadulterated evil! What I have not said is that it is a precursor to the Image of the Beast because most will not believe this.


    1. Right you are, and taking heed to all precursors, is a show of wisdom. We must prepare ourselves for what is coming.

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